Can I collect unemployment while I take care of my grandmother?
Q: Can I quit my job and collect unemployment to take care of my grandmother? I need to quit my job so I can be
Q: Can I quit my job and collect unemployment to take care of my grandmother? I need to quit my job so I can be
Q: Is my employer exempt from paying into unemployment? When I was let go, I was told was “it isn’t working out, no misconduct.” But
Q: Can I get unemployment if I was fired after a workplace accident? I got hurt at work when a forklift ran over my feet
Q: Can I get unemployment if I quit because my manager forced me to change my hours? My store manager told me the only way
Q: Will OESC contact my employer to verify if I quit or was fired? A: Yes. Employers pay the taxes that fund the unemployment program,
You’ve waited & waited for your unemployment hearing & now you’ve finally received your Notice of Hearing. What do you do? How do you register
You’ve waited & waited, but you missed your unemployment hearing. Now what do you do? Request to Reopen the Case You must make a written
Recently several people have asked me this question: Since/If you’re my lawyer, can you do all the talking for me at my unemployment appeal hearing?
You applied for unemployment benefits and were denied, or you were approved and your employer appealed. So you might be asking yourself “Do I need
Recently I’ve had several people ask me about why their employer is getting a second chance to protest their unemployment claim. I’ve noticed that they have something in common: they all filed their weekly claims and they did not receive a decision about their job separation when they first filed.
© 2020-2025 Katherine M. Bushnell, Attorney at Law, PLLC
Disclaimer: The materials on this site are for information and educational purposes only. Nothing on this site is intended to be legal advice nor does it establish an attorney-client relationship.